13 Haziran 2020 Cumartesi

TCYSA Sabbath Morning Devotional - 6/14/2020 @ 10am via Zoom

"Of all things, that…we should be most grateful [for] is that the heavens are indeed open and that the restored church of Jesus Christ is founded upon the rock of revelation." - President Spencer W. Kimball

Once again, we are happy to remind you of our Sabbath morning devotional tomorrow at 10am (Central Time) via Zoom! We look forward to joining with you from afar. Please feel free to share these links with others who might like to tune in!

Join the Zoom Meeting from a web browser:

Via the Zoom app (desktop or smartphone):
Meeting ID: 588 520 499
Password: 021559

By phone:
(312) 626-6799
Password: 021559

Also by phone (One-tap mobile link):

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Joshua McCarty, whose calling is Ward Executive Secretary.

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