14 Mart 2020 Cumartesi

Sunday 10am Ward Devotional Phone Call


Under Bishop Stoddard's direction, we are inviting all members of the Twin Cities YSA Ward to join us for a short 30 minute online devotional by phone tomorrow. Elder Coombs shared the following details on the ward Facebook page:

So we all know that with the Corona Virus we aren't able to attend church tomorrow which is super sad...BUT we are hoping that we can still have a spirit filled Sabbath day! We will be doing a morning devotional tomorrow at 10 am via Conference Call; to get on you will need to dial (425) 436-6342 and then enter the password "606213" you will then be able to join in on the call and listen in!!

We all have been blessed in a time where we can use technology to help further the Lord's work. Let's take advantage of it!! Hope you will be able to tune in tomorrow!😁📞 You can message Elder Branson Merchant and I if you have any questions!


Brother Stoddard

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Alan Stoddard, whose calling is Bishopric Second Counselor.

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