Arthur, | Lineup | | Match 4 (11-8-2021) Details: | Line: Playing Line 3 Mens Doubles | Time: Be there by 6p | Bring: Not Marked | Place: Home Match at Pinetop Sport Club Pinetop Sport Club 3723 Pinetop Road; Greensboro, NC 27410 directions | Please confirm your match availability by clicking on one of the buttons below: | | | |
Time | Line | Player | What to Bring | Confirmed | 6p | 1. (D) | Ron Mangrum | | | | Mens | Bill Vary | | | 6p | 2. (D) | Coray Mitchell | | | | Mens | Craig Aberbach | | | 6p | 3. (D) | Carl Crowder | | | | Mens | Arthur Gardiner | | | |
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