31 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

For Devotional, etc.: Zoom Application Update Required

Sisters and brothers,

Happy Sabbath! We look forward to hosting our morning devotional here in a few minutes.

If you have not already done so, you will need to update your current Zoom application to it's most recent version (5.0) in order to join any meetings. Alternatively, you can join via web browser or by phone. This is a change to the application encryption that went into effect yesterday, 5/30.

Again, the devotional links are as follows:

Web -- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/588520499?pwd=U3RRK0FuNS9Nb0s1VWpkVHdZOEkxUT09

App -- Meeting ID: 588 520 499 | Password: 021559

Phone -- (312) 626-6799 | Password: 021559

Mobile Link -- +13126266799,,588520499#,,#,021559#

If you run into any difficulty, please feel free to reach out!


Joshua McCarty, Ward Executive Secretary
c: 385-277-2133 | e: jothmc@outlook.com

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Joshua McCarty, whose calling is Ward Executive Secretary.

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