9 Ocak 2021 Cumartesi

Elders Quorum Lesson

Dear Brethren,

Tomorrow at 11 AM we will have a lesson on Elder Ballard's message: Watch Ye Therefore, and Pray Always:


I hope you will be able to join us!

Topic: TCYSA Elders Quorum
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 0326 8793
Passcode: H3ARH1M

If joining by phone:

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 940 0326 8793
Passcode: 1145135

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Reese Petersen, whose calling is Elders Quorum President.

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