10 Ocak 2021 Pazar

Anoka Stake Presidency New Year's Message

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The year 2021 has begun!  The troubles of the last year have not all gone away, and it is not unusual to feel concern about what might yet lie ahead.  However, there is always hope on the horizon!  

Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, reminds us that "The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives."  Our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ are aware of our concerns and unique challenges.  They have promised that if we will trust Them and keep our covenants, they will "ease the burdens which are put upon [our] shoulders, that even [we] cannot feel them upon [our] backs." (Mosiah 24:14) 

This year we will study the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.  These books of modern scripture are full of examples of real people with hard questions, and the Lord's responses to them as the restoration of the gospel began.  Prayerfully studying and pondering their experiences can help you better understand the personalized ways in which the Lord speaks to you.  

As you gain a greater testimony of the Savior and of His love for you, it will be natural for you to want to share that blessing with others.  You may choose to do this through ministering to each other, sharing the gospel, or participating in temple and family history work.  The guidance from our Area Presidency (see attachment) might be helpful as you consider where and how to focus your efforts.  But whatever you do, know that the Lord will reward you with an increase of the Spirit in your life, more meaningful relationships, and greater hope for the future.

President Nelson recently said, "If you really want to embrace a new normal, I invite you to turn your heart, mind, and soul increasingly to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ." We wholeheartedly echo that very wise counsel.  

We love you.  We pray for you.  Our hearts go out to those who have suffered and who continue to suffer.  We trust that the Lord can give "beauty for ashes, [and] the oil of joy for mourning." (Isaiah 61:3)  We pray that He will do so in your life this coming year.

Warm regards,

Anoka Stake Presidency – Paul W. Wilson III, Kenneth G. Rasmussen, Chen-Fu Liao

Anoka Stake Relief Society President – Jackie L. Morley

Helpful links:

Come Follow Me for 2021 - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/manual/come-follow-me?lang=eng

Youth Theme 2021 - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/youth/childrenandyouth/youth-theme-2021


You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Ken Rasmussen, whose calling is Stake Presidency First Counselor.

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