25 Temmuz 2020 Cumartesi

Gathering Together

All -

As you know the St Paul Stake started meeting together for Sacrament Meeting a few weeks ago.  Some Wards/Branches have had 3 weeks of meetings and other Wards just started last week.
I understand that many individuals and families are not comfortable gathering together again yet.  Please know that I understand your concern and support your decisions.  Please stay in touch with your Bishop or Branch President about receiving the Sacrament at home.
Very recently the Governor of Minnesota enacted an Executive Order that addressed the need for Face Masks.  As a Stake we are going to follow this Executive Order.  For some reference, I wanted to provide a few links about this order.  
Executive Order
Frequently Asked Questions from the Dept of Health
These times are like nothing else that I have faced in my life.  I hope that you take some time to write your thoughts and experiences in a journal.  These are times that we will look back on with much interest.  
I have found much comfort in my personal scripture study as I am purposely looking for Christ in the scriptures.  We often think of the Atonement of Jesus Christ as providing the gift of repentance - which is true.  But I have learned that one of the great miracles of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is that we have access to His Strength, Power and Peace (much more than 'just' the gift of repentance).  I invite you to personally search for and apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ in your life.
I hope you know that you are in my personal thoughts and prayers as we navigate these times.
With loving concern,
... President Pattberg

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by David Pattberg, whose calling is Stake President.

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