15 Temmuz 2020 Çarşamba

Coming Back Together

This is the first of a few messages to communicate restarting sacrament meetings for the TCYSA Ward. It covers the initial basic information, which will be added upon in other messages.


We have missed you all and are excited to announce that we are resuming sacrament meetings with you, beginning this week. This email contains some initial information, and additional information will be sent in the coming days.

Basic Information

The area presidency and stake presidency have approved our ward's phase 1 plan, which includes separating the ward into six different groups. Each Sunday, 3 groups will meet in 3 separate sacrament meetings. The other 3 groups will meet the following week. By alternating weeks, each person will be able to attend a sacrament meeting twice a month. This allows us to maintain required social distancing to help keep all of us safe in our building.

Who Should Not Attend

While we are excited to be together, our first priority is the health and safety of our members. For that reason, we ask that anyone who is ill, has an ill household member, or who has been exposed to an individual who is ill, to stay home and stay safe. In addition, we encourage those who meet CDC guidelines for high-risk to stay home and stay safe, including those with underlying medical conditions.

If you meet one of those conditions or are uncomfortable for any other reason, we want you to know that we support your decision to stay home and stay safe. You will not be deprived of any blessings.

Which Meeting to Attend

Additional emails will be shared with members letting them know which weeks and which time they are invited to attend. Please know that while we would love to have all of us together, in order to meet state safety guidelines and to increase safety, we need to limit attendance at each meeting to those who have been invited. If you have not received an invitation to attend by Thursday July 16th, please reach out to a member of the Relief Society or Elders Quorum Presidency.

Safety Precautions for the Meeting

We have counseled together on how to increase safety for all members who attend sacrament meetings. We have drawn on First Presidency guidance, State of Minnesota guidelines, and the collective experience of other wards which have already returned to sacrament meeting. 

Our safety precautions include:

·        Masks - We ask that all members wear masks. Masks will be available near the entrance for any who may forget or not have a mask. This is to protect not only you, but all of us.

·        Building preparation - High-touch surfaces will be sanitized before each sacrament meeting

·        Single Entrance - all will enter the building at the southeast entrance (next to the parking lot). The other door will be used as an exit after the meeting.

·        Hand Sanitizer - Hand sanitizer will be available near the bathrooms.

·        Social Distancing - We ask that members maintain social distance (6ft) from one another while in the church. We will ensure seating allows for social distancing. Roommates are able to sit together - please do not move chairs, ask a member of the Elders Quorum Presidency or Bishopric for assistance with seating.

·        No singing - We will have pre-recorded music as part of sacrament meeting, but will not have congregational singing, to minimize risk.

·        Sacrament administration - The trays will be cleaned prior to administration. Bread will be placed in individual cups. Cups for bread and water will be staggered in the tray to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Those who pass the sacrament will pass the sacrament to each member, one at a time. A separate tray will be used to collect used cups. 

·        Bathrooms – Bathrooms will be available, if needed, for one person at a time. The drinking fountains will not be accessible (please bring water should you need it during the meeting). We are not approved to use other rooms in the building.

·        Exiting the building - At the conclusion of the meeting, ushers will excuse members row by row from front to back, having them exit the door facing University Avenue. We ask that members not reenter the building after sacrament meeting unless they are part of the cleaning crew.

Home Administration of the Sacrament

For those unable or uncomfortable to attend their assigned sacrament meeting, but would like to receive the sacrament, please contact Bishop Stoddard. 

If you need to update your current residential address, please reach out to Seth Bagley or Mark Smith. Should you have any questions, please contact any member of the Ward Council. We will send additional communication with more details during the week.

With love,


Gary Stoddard, Bishop

Darrell Coutu, 1st Counselor

Alan Stoddard, 2nd Counselor

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Joshua McCarty, whose calling is Ward Executive Secretary.

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