16 Temmuz 2022 Cumartesi

You Are Invited to the Shingle Creek Ward Conference Tomorrow at 9:00 am

Anoka Minnesota Stake

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Shingle Creek Ward:

As a stake presidency we invite you to join us at the annual conference of the Shingle Creek Ward tomorrow, Sunday July 17 at 9:00 AM.  We look forward to being with you at this special conference. The meeting will be held at the Brooklyn Park Chapel (4700 Edinbrook Terrace North, Brooklyn Park, MN).  

We hope that all will attend and feel welcome as we visit and become more acquainted as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Bishop Dana Oelkers and Stake President Paul Wilson will deliver messages in the ward conference sacrament meeting.

Following sacrament meeting at 10:10 AM we will hold a combined youth meeting and combined adult meeting. 

Our desire as we meet in ward conference is to strengthen faith and testimony and to invite all members to participate.  We encourage you to reach out and invite those that you minister to, assisting them in attending ward conference.  

The blessings of the Savior and of His gospel are everlasting.  We further testify that you are an important part of His plan for blessing this wonderful world. We invite you with faith in Jesus Christ, to joyfully walk the covenant path that leads to life eternal.

Warm Regards,

The Anoka Minnesota Stake Presidency
Paul W. Wilson III
Chen-Fu Liao
Nathan R. Lingard

Anoka Minnesota Stake Relief Society President
Jackie L. Morley

P.S. - If you would like to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency in conjunction with the ward conference, please let Brother Dennis Taylor (612-845-2440 or anokaexecutivesecretary@gmail.com ) know, and he will make the arrangements. 

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Paul Wilson III, whose calling is Stake President.

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