20 Ocak 2021 Çarşamba

Time Sensitive Service Opportunity: The Food Group

Mark Pollman, of the Elm Creek Ward, has asked that this be forwarded to our ward members. 

I apologies for the urgency of this request. I should have got this to you last week. This coming Saturday we have an opportunity to volunteer at The Food Group warehouse to create meal packages from the food collected during the food drive this past December. We are in need of 14 people from 9am to 11am this Saturday morning January 23rd. It is preferred for the single adults to come together to do this, but will welcome anyone who can come. Please distribute this email to those in the ward who can participate. I have created a SignUpGenius web page to track volunteers and get the information to the Food group by this Thursday. Those who wish to participate will also need to fill out the volunteer form attached to this email. In addition to this coming Saturday, there is also an additional opportunity a week from Monday, February 1st.


For those who go, they should go to The Food Group warehouse located at 8501 54th Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early. When arriving at the building, do not go in the front door but go to the right side and down the path. As you enter, you will have your temperature taken. Then sign in, get a nametag and give your Food Group Liability Waiver


Thanks again for your help,



SignUpGenious Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084AAFA82AA6F58-thefood

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Dezra Helgeson, whose calling is Relief Society President.

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