My Brothers and Sisters in the Twin Cities YSA Ward,
As we commemorate Easter, I'd like to remind you of the series of events that occurred during the Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday week.
These are The Most Significant Events to Ever Occur:
1) The First Sacrament,
2) Christ's Atonement (in Gethsemane),
3) Christ's Crucifixion (on Golgotha),
4) Christ's Resurrection (the Garden Tomb).
Together they encompass and facilitate Salvation for all God's children. I encourage you to ponder about the significance of each/all of them in your life.
I also encourage all those who are able to accept President Nelson's invitation to Fast on Good Friday, "that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened and life normalized". Acceptance to join the Fast by our church members and members of numerous churches has been multi-faith and global.
The Lord lives, He is our Savior. He Loves you and knows each of you, individually. He Speaks to us through a Living Prophet, Russel M. Nelson.
As always, you are in my prayers.
Bishop Gary Stoddard
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