3 Şubat 2020 Pazartesi

Correction to Commentary in the Printed Version of "Come, Follow Me" for 3-9 February

To all members of the St. Paul Minnesota Stake:


I need to make you aware of a correction to the printed material in the Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families printed manual.  Below is the Official Church statement which may also be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GE73A-BU468PNtlPKE-pXzXXbfGimzul/view


Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families

Incorrect Commentary 3-9 February


The printed version of the Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual for the week 3-9

February contains incorrect commentary regarding 2 Nephi 5:20-21, specifically incorrect and

disavowed teachings regarding race.


The digital version available online or in the Gospel Library App is accurate and should be the only

version used and referred to in lessons.


If raised in class, it is important that any reference to the incorrect commentary in the printed

manual is swiftly and accurately corrected.


Supporting information

1. Corrected manual language: 2 Nephi 5:20–21

What was the curse that came upon the Lamanites?


In Nephi's day the curse of the Lamanites was that they were "cut off from [the Lord's] presence …

because of their iniquity" (2 Nephi 5:20–21). This meant the Spirit of the Lord was withdrawn from their

lives. When Lamanites later embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ, "the curse of God did no more follow

them" (Alma 23:18).


The Book of Mormon also states that a mark of dark skin came upon the Lamanites after the Nephites

separated from them. The nature and appearance of this mark are not fully understood. The mark

initially distinguished the Lamanites from the Nephites. Later, as both the Nephites and Lamanites each

went through periods of wickedness and righteousness, the mark became irrelevant as an indicator of

the Lamanites' standing before God.


Prophets affirm in our day that dark skin is not a sign of divine disfavor or cursing. The Church

embraces Nephi's teaching that the Lord "denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and

free, male and female" (2 Nephi 26:33). President Russell M. Nelson declared: "The Lord has stressed His

essential doctrine of equal opportunity for His children. … Differences in culture, language, gender, race,

and nationality fade into insignificance as the faithful enter the covenant path and come unto our

beloved Redeemer" ("President Nelson Remarks at Worldwide Priesthood Celebration" [June 1, 2018],



See also "Till We All Come in the Unity of the Faith" (video, ChurchofJesusChrist.org).


2. Remarks by Elder Gary E. Stevenson

"One of our recent church manuals includes a paragraph with some outdated commentary about

race. It was mistakenly included in the printed version of the manual, which had been prepared for

print nearly two years ago. When it was brought to the attention of church leaders late last year,

they directed that it be immediately removed in our annual online manual, which is used by the

great majority of our members. We have also directed that any future printed manuals will reflect

this change. We're asking our members to disregard the paragraph in the printed manual.

Now I'm deeply saddened and hurt by this error and for any pain that it may have caused our

members and for others. I would just like to reiterate our position as a church is clear. We do

condemn all racism, past and present, in any form, and we disavow any theory advanced that

black or dark skin is a sign of a curse."

Remarks at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Luncheon - 20th Jan 2020


Brothers and Sisters:


If this error and correction should cause you any concern I would ask you to ponder and pray to your Heavenly Father and ask to have the Holy Ghost confirm to you that this correction contains the Official Teachings of the Church and anything to the contrary should be disregarded. Any unresolved issue with this material should be directed to your Bishop for his counsel. 


Please also remember the final words on the Title page of the Book of Mormon. 


"And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ."


St Paul Stake Sunday School Presidency

Philip Nelson

Stake Sunday School President

Jonathan Holt

1st Counselor

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Robert Bunker, whose calling is Stake Executive Secretary.

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