21 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi

Special Fireside Sunday Night in Bloomington

Hi YSA Ward,

The following is forwarded information about a special fireside tomorrow night at 7 in Bloomington, in case you were not on President Barden's email distribution list.


"REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL" … a FIRESIDE with STEVE NELSON … this SUNDAY, July 22nd, AT 7 pm Bloomington Chapel with snacks and discussion to follow. Please join us!  Please share this email widely and invite non-member friends. 


Bio summary:  Steve Nelson currently serves on the High Council in the Minneapolis Stake. He lives in Wayzata with his wife Keri. They have four children and 7 grandchildren. In his professional life he is the CEO of United Healthcare.  He is an avid triathlete and loves outdoor adventures.


We hope you will join us as Brother Nelson discusses how gospel principles can help us improve our lives and reach our potential. 

Followed by questions/answers, food, fellowship, and discussion

This Fireside is also an A+ Missionary opportunity! Please bring friends.  


Bloomington YSA Branch Presidency and

Twin Cities YSA Ward Bishopric 

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Matt BeBault, whose calling is Ward Clerk.

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