1 Eylül 2024 Pazar

St. Paul Minnesota Temple Re-opening - Appointment Scheduling Now Available

Anoka Minnesota Stake

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to announce that appointments can now be scheduled for attending the St. Paul Minnesota temple when it reopens in late October.  We invite you to use your churchofjesuschrist.org account to schedule a time to participate in the wonderful ordinances available in the temple.  If you need help scheduling an appointment online, please contact your Elders Quorum or Relief Society presidents.

We are also excited to announce that the temple is offering an additional session on Tuesday mornings as well as a 6:00am session on every 2nd Wednesday of the month.  They will also be moving the previously scheduled Wednesday night endowment session to Thursday nights in order to allow the baptistry to be available on Wednesday evenings to align with youth activity nights.  Additional initiatory, sealing and baptistry opportunities are also available.  Please see the attached document for a complete listing of session times.

President Russell M. Nelson recently taught: "The moral and spiritual power that [we] need right now and for the days ahead is the power of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We gain access to Their power by making and keeping covenants with Them."  He also said: "I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can."

We are so blessed to have a temple so close and we hope you will make every effort to prepare yourself to enter the Lord's house when it reopens in a few short weeks.

With Love,

Anoka Minnesota Stake Presidency

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Nathan Lingard, whose calling is Stake Presidency First Counselor.

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