30 Aralık 2021 Perşembe

Anoka Minnesota Stake Growth Vision 2022 - You Are Invited!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are grateful for your example, your service, your kindness, and love. As a stake presidency, we express our gratitude for what you do and who you are as we enter another year. The Lord needs all of us to help in the work of salvation in our wards and stake, and you are a big part of this work (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). 

As you may recall, at our Stake Conference in November President Wilson shared our vision for growth in our stake and invited all members to become part of this effort. The attached document is a summary of this vision. To build on this, we share the results of the "White Christmas" effort with our proselytizing missionaries in Nov/Dec and share our Growth Vision as we enter 2022. 

In November and December for our "White Christmas", 10 friends entered the water of baptism and were confirmed joining the covenant path. We welcome each of them to the fold and are excited for their participation and enthusiasm!! We are grateful for the continued loving ministering and fellowship provided to all new members in our stake and the many new opportunities to do so. 

We are seeing the promised blessings of your faith and your efforts to love, and share and invite as we seek to "link the enthusiasm of the missionaries with the loving stability and helpful efforts of members." President Russell M. Nelson promised as we do this, "our success will be multiplied exponentially as we harness the power of the members with whom the missionaries serve."  

We hope you will review the attached Growth Vision and prayerfully engage in seeking revelation, ministering as the Savior did, loving, sharing, inviting, and acting in faith and hope. As you do, we know blessings and miracles with take place. You will have opportunities to fellowship another, invite a friend, or strengthen your testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We invite you to share experiences you may have with family members and in church meetings.

Here are four scriptures that help remind us of how and why we engage in this work:

  • We hope to "spare not" in "lengthening the cords of and strengthen thy stake." Isaiah 54:2

  • "Arise and Shine Forth that they light may be a standard…the gathering together…upon her stakes, may be for a defense and for a refuge from the storm." Doctrine & Covenants 115:4-6

  • That we can "Love thy God with all thy heart…Thou Shalt Love thy neighbor as thyself." Matthew 22:37-39

  • We hope we can see "with their eyes the things which they had beheld with an eye of faith." Ether 12:19

With love and gratitude,

The Anoka Minnesota Stake Presidency

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Paul Wilson III, whose calling is Stake President.

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