18 Ekim 2021 Pazartesi

Food Drive Delivery Date is Fast Approaching

Hello All,

October has been zipping by!  We now only have 5 full days to collect food before it needs to be dropped off this Saturday, October 23rd at either the Brooklyn Park or Crystal buildings between 10am-3pm.  There is still enough time to drop bags and/or fliers to your neighbors or post about it on social media. There is a flyer with the list of foods we are collecting that you can print, email, or post attached to this email.

There are still some slots available for working in The Food Group warehouse after the food is collected.  Friends are welcome!  You can sign up here: 

We are grateful for this opportunity to join together as a stake to minister to our community members.   

Thank you for all you do.

Jackie Morley

Anoka Stake Relief Society President

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by Jackie Morley, whose calling is Stake Relief Society President.

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